Summary from 2024-04-05 General Coupled Oscillations

  • Normal frequencies given by (eigenfrequencies)
  • Eigenvectors with composition


Given this

to find

Revisiting first example of coupled oscillations with new notation

figure 1

Revisit this


The eigenvectors will form an orthogonal set. This set can be normalized to create an orthonormal set. This is shown mathematically in section 12. 5 (pg. 481) of the textbook. In this process to create an orthonormal set of eigenvectors, the ambiguity of is removed by the normalization of , so we must introduce a scale factor, which is dependent on the initial conditions.




Where is a new scale factor (complex) which incorporates phase

  • Defining a quantity such that
  • This recovers our normal coordinates (only oscillates at one frequency)
  • is normal coordinate

From our example

Found and

To find components we only need 1 equation (for this 2 mass case) since we are only after a ratio of components

Eigenvector with components and Choose first equation:

The general equation of motion:

Use the fact that


So now we can find normal coordinates;

Can use these relationships to ask what conditions are needed for only 1 coordinate to oscillate. if , therefore makes only oscillate with frequency , which is “in-phase” oscillation. if therefore, opposite to the above, makes only oscillate with frequency , an “out-of-phase” oscillation.

Molecular Vibrations (12.7)

Good application of small oscillations In 3 dimensions a molecule with n atoms will have 3n degrees of freedom.

3 degrees of freedom for translation, 3 degrees of freedom for rotation

3n-6 degrees of vibrational freedom

If the molecule is colinear then there is 3n-5 degrees of vibration freedom.