Last class
- Deriving Euler-Lagrange Equation using calculus of variations to minimize the action
- The action is the integral over time of the Lagrangian
Deriving the Brachistachrone Problem curve with Calculus of variations
Given two points which are in a vertical plane , find the path which the movable particle m will traverse in the shortest time, assuming that acceleration is only due to gravity.
This is known as the Brachistachrone Problem. This is a also known as a Cycloid Curve.
Properties of Lagrange equations of motion in the case of coordinate transformation
We need a new set of coordinates
With Jacobi determinant
Using equation 2
From equation 2
Lagrange eqn is
Lagrange equation is invariant under coordinate transforms!
Generalized Coordinates
Given a system of objects, you have coordinates required to describe position of n objects.
However, depending on situation, not all coordinates may be independent of each other! (uniform circular motion)
The number of independent coordinates is equal to the degrees of freedom of the system.
In a system with no constraints, then your D.O.F is equal to 3n (star example )
If you have forces of constraint
this isn’t going to be on the first test
- With forces of constraint
Proper set of generalized coordinates
Set of independent coordinates is equal to the degrees of freedom of the system.
Generally speaking, this is an dimensional space aka configuration space.
2 questions:
- What are generalized coordinates?
- What is a coordinate transformation really?