
Introductory physics introduced the following:

  • Sources of magnetic field (current)
  • Magnetic/Lorentz force
  • Ampere’s law in integral form
  • Biot-Savart law for line currents

Useful Relations: Straight line segment magnetic field

At the center of a circular loop of radius R:

New material:

  • Magnetostatic Maxwell Equations in differential form
  • Biot Savart law in general form
  • Magnetic vector potentials

Differential form of Magnetostatic equations

The derivations are below:

Continuity Equation

Describes the behavior of current flowing through a volume.

General Biot-Savart Law

Electric Current Densities

Total current is integral of current density integrated over surface

Magnetic Vector Potential

The magnetic field can always be obtained as the curl of a vector function that we call the magnetic vector potential

Where is the magnetic vector potential

The divergence of the curl of a vector is 0 as per the book.

The above equation is also known as the coulomb gauge

General Field Theory

Plugging in potential


Solution to DiffEq

In class problems


