Steiner’s Parallel Axis Theorem
It states
Where is the center-of-mass inertia tensor and is the inertia tensor a distance away from . This does require that the axes of the two coordinate systems are parallel.
Example: Homogeneous Cube with origin at the corner of the cube.
Want origin at cube center
Continue to find the rest
Euler Angles
Transformation from one coordinate system to another through rotation
Represented as Where is the rotation matrix comprised of 3 independent angles
Many choices but we use Euler’s angle Start in x’ system and convert to x system in the following way
Remember the paul/emily/nate spinny coordinate thing
So we have rotation in the plane
Spun around axis counterclockwise rotation
Next rotation counterclockwise around axis through angle
Finally rotate around
fig 5
Combine to get
Rotation matrix is the following:
At this point we could get into a discussion of rigid body Lagrangian problems using Euler rotation and Euler equations. We however will not do such things.