Hello and welcome to my website! Here I hope to provide accessible and approachable notes on big physics topics, correlating with the physics curriculum taught at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute. See Physics Hub for more. Additionally, I’d like to blog and write on topics that I find interesting, keeping an online diary of sorts. See Blog Hub for more.
About Me
Hey! My name is Paul Lea, and am currently a last-semester senior majoring in applied physics and economics at RPI, studying abroad at UCL in London.
I enjoy learning about various topics in physics, and I love to hear about new and interesting ideas. If you’d like to view my academic credentials, my resume website will be linked here.
Personally, I find myself interested in a variety of hobbies and interests. I enjoy
- Urban exploration
- Camping and hiking
- Electronics design and repair
- Computer systems administration
- Home improvement and renovation
- Interior design
- Motorsports
- Coffee
- Clothing and Fashion
- Travel (on a tight budget)
- Self improvement
- Organizational governance